Our Regional & Denver Schools Policies include:
Grievance Procedures
Grievance Policy for Parent and Community Concerns
The KIPP Colorado Schools Board of Directors (Board) will respond to all parent and community concerns. The first step in our grievance process is to bring the grievance to the party with whom there is a disagreement. The escalation of grievances is as follows:
At any given time, an individual or a group may bring grievances to the Board for any reason. Such grievances will be submitted to the Board Chair at least one week prior to the next Board meeting. Grievances submitted later will be addressed at the subsequent meeting of the Board. Emergency issues will be dealt with on an as-needed basis, with the Board responding at or prior to its next regular public meeting. Every effort will be made to respectfully address each matter to the satisfaction of the individual or group that presented the grievance. The Board, as necessary, shall direct the Chief Executive Officer (and in turn, the school leader or other responsible party) to act upon the grievance and report to the Board. The Board shall, as necessary, render a determination in writing. Any appropriate documents will be made available to the person filing the grievance.
Colorado Open Records Act
Please click here for the 2024 Colorado Open Records Act policy.
Student Code of Conduct
To find KIPP Colorado Schools Student Code of Conduct, please go to the Schools tab on this website, and choose the school you are seeking. The School Handbook can be found under the “Student & Family Resources” tab, or by visiting the school’s front office.
Title IX
Title IX Team Contact Information
All public inquiries or concerns regarding KIPP Colorado’s Title IX policies, procedures, or compliance should be sent to our Regional Title IX Coordinator.
For concerns involving staff members: KIPP Colorado’s Regional Title IX Coordinator is Richelle Moulin-Geisen, Senior Director of Human Resources. Her office is located at 1390 Lawrence St, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80204. She can be reached by email at rmoulin@kippcolorado.org or by phone at 720-544-3171.
For all other Title IX concerns: KIPP Colorado’s Regional Title IX Coordinator is Lauren Abuhadema, Senior Director of Student Experience & Culture. Her office is located at 1390 Lawrence St, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80204. She can be reached by email at labuhadema@kippcolorado.org or by phone at 720-334-0421.
Any person wishing to report knowledge of sex-based discrimination or harassment or submit a formal Title IX complaint involving a KIPP Colorado student, prospective student, or employee is encouraged to first contact the specific school’s Title IX Contact, who will take the initial report and route it to the Title IX Coordinator for review. Such reports or complaints may be submitted directly to the Regional Title IX Coordinator, if preferred.
School-Specific Title IX Contact:
KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary: Darby West, Principal
Email: dwest@kippcolorado.org | Phone: 720-626-7979
KIPP Sunshine Peak Academy: Diya Spann, Assistant Principal of Culture
Email: dspann@kippcolorado.org | Phone: 720-914-9426
KIPP Denver Collegiate High School: Phil Munsterman, Assistant Principal of Culture
Email: pmunsterman@kippcolorado.org | Phone: 720-355-6114
KIPP Northeast Elementary: Amanda Radin, Assistant Principal of Culture
Email: aadkins@kippcolorado.org | Phone: 720-441-7947
KIPP Northeast Denver Middle School: Cynthia Merrifield, Assistant Principal of Culture
Email: cmerrifield@kippcolorado.org | Phone: 720-914-5261
KIPP Northeast Denver Leadership Academy: Alexandra Medrano, Assistant Principal of Culture
Email: amedrano@kippcolorado.org | Phone: 720-980-1611
Title IX Training Materials
Title IX Coordinator Training: Link
Notice of Nondiscrimination and Title IX Grievance Procedures
Notice of Nondiscrimination and Title IX Grievance Procedures (in English): Link
Aviso de no discriminación y el Proceso de reclamación del título IX (en Español): Enlace
Avis de non-discrimination et procédure de réclamation Titre IX (en français): Lien
إشعار بعدم التمييز وعملية المطالبة بالباب التاسع (باللغة العربية): الرابط
የአድሎአዊነት ማስታወቂያ እና ርዕስ IX የቅሬታ ሂደት (በአማርኛ): ሊንክ
اطلاعیه عدم تبعیض و فرآیند شکایت عنوان نهم (به زبان فارسی): پیوند
गैर-भेदभावको सूचना र शीर्षक IX उजुरी प्रक्रिया (नेपालीमा): लिङ्क
Ogeysiiska Takoorka La’aanta iyo Habka Cabashada Cinwaanka IX (oo ku qoran Somali): Link
Thông báo về Quy trình khiếu nại về Không phân biệt đối xử và Tiêu đề IX (bằng tiếng Việt): Liên kết
Non-Discrimination Policies
Please click here to access our Non-Discrimination policies.
Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy
Click here for KIPP Colorado’s Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy.