ECE Enrollment

Enrollment Information for Early Childhood Education at KIPP Colorado

Come learn with us! We are excited to partner with Universal Preschool (UPK), providing extra tuition assistance to all our incoming 4-year-old students and a portion of our incoming 3-year-olds. As a result of this program, there are shifts to how families will now enroll in ECE programming at a statewide level. Families must complete 2 separate applications to enroll ECE-aged students in programming. After completing the DPS SchoolChoice application, families will receive direct communication from DPS to complete the UPK application. Families who complete both applications during the first round will be prioritized for enrollment.


This information will be updated as we receive information from UPK. 

  1. Apply on the DPS SchoolChoice website. Round 2 of DPS SchoolChoice opens April 8th. Select up to 12 programs to which you would like to apply.
  2. Apply on the UPK website opening April 1st. ECE3 students should apply through DPS Choice.


This information will be updated as we receive information from UPK. 

  1. Apply on the DPS SchoolChoice website. Round 2 of DPS SchoolChoice opens April 8th. Select up to 12 programs to which you would like to apply. ECE4 students should apply to DPS Choice to be accepted to our program at KIPP Northeast Elementary or KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary once accepted by DPS Choice, families will be prompted to complete the Universal Preschool Application.
  2. Apply on the UPK website opening April 1st.

More Information

You can find more information regarding the specific steps to complete enrollment here (English, Spanish). For the latest updates, please check the DPS Universal Preschool website here.

To learn more, please contact:
Jennifer Orosco
Manager of Early Childhood Education

Once accepted, you will be contacted by the KIPP Colorado Public School of your choice. We are excited to welcome you!